Grain procurement plan

The grain procurement plan is a form of natural and food tax imposed on the peasants by the state. The plans for the harvest of 1931-1932, the size of which was set by the leadership of the Union, were instrumental in creating living conditions (hunger) aimed at the physical destruction of a part of the Ukrainian nation. Ukraine's plan was completed in 1930 thanks to its high yield. However, the peasants were deprived of the usual stocks, which traditionally made them to ensure their livelihoods. The grain procurement plan from a yield of 1931 amounted to 39% of the gross tax, which critically undermined the grain-weight balance of Ukraine (the plan was fulfilled only by 90%). And already during the first half of 1932, famine hit one-third of the regions of the republic.


After prohibiting the import of cereals to Ukraine on June 23, 1932, the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) also established an unrealistic grain procurement plan for Ukraine. Understanding the threat of death from hunger in the case of executing this plan, part of the leaders of the collective farms expressed their disagreement and protest. The plan of the grain withdrawal (including potatoes, meat and dairy products), covering collective and private farms, was carried out through repressive measures. In 1932, the scope of grain withdrawal amounted to 53% of the gross amount, which greatly worsened the food situation of the peasants. In addition, additional taxes, especially for wealthy private owners, were imposed.

Excerpts from the Third Conference of the CP (B) Establishment for peasant sector in Ukraine of a grain procurement plan in 1932 at 356 million pounds. – From the resolution with a report to the Secretary General of the CC CP (b) of S. Cosior. July 9, 193

In order to seize corn locally, there were special groups ( so called "tow brigade ") that resembled robbers rather than representatives of the authorities. The groups consisted of village members, local activists, Komsomol members, the committee of poor peasants from the village lumpens. "Tow Brigades" carried out searches of peasants, often accompanied by violence, humiliation and terror, in order to get products.

According to the international law, the participation of representatives of the Ukrainian nation in the committing of genocide in no way denies the genocidal nature of the Holodomor.

Grain Purchases Komsomol Brigade of Obukhiv. Reproduction from the album “From the history or the Obukhiv Comsomol”. Obukhiv, Kyiv district, 1930. Central State Archive of Public Organisations of Ukraine named after H. Pshenychnyi OD ZB 2-80675.