2025 © eng: genocide-copyright
Master-class "Let's not extinguish a candle of memory" (for 5-11th grades)
Educational master-class "Let's not extinguish a candle of memory" (for 5-11th grades)
For participants from 5 to 12 years old.
Duration – 45 minutes.
The master class consists of a lecture and a practical part. During the first part, participants listen to the story of a museum worker about the role and meaning of candles in the traditional Ukrainian culture, as well as the tradition of commemorating millions of Ukrainians killed during the Holodomor - the action “Candle in the window”. Everything is continued with the master-class of making candles. Each participant takes a hand-made candle to home, so that on the basis of the knowledge gained during the class, together with the family, on the fourth Saturday in November - the National Day of Memory in Ukraine - to light a candle in the window in memory of the millions of Ukrainians killed by the Holodomor, supporting the established tradition.
The museum provides the participants of the master class with all the necessary materials.
The cost of a master class is for a group of up to 20 people - 80 UAH + 10 UAH from each participant.
To order an educational master class, please call: (044) 254-45-11