2025 © eng: genocide-copyright
"Ah, we should shoot the whole Ukraine, but, unfortunately, we can not
But you, the Ukrainian intellectuals, we will destroy all"
Solomon Brook,
One of the investigators in the case of
the Union for the Liberation of Ukraine
The exhibition was prepared by the International Charitable Fund“Ukraine 3000” (Head of the Supervisory Board Ekaterina Yushchenko) within the “History Lessons” program together with the State Archives Department of the Security Service of Ukraine and the KyivDepartment of the Ukrainian Union“Memorial” named after VasylStus. The goal of the exhibition is to inform the world and Ukrainian community about the system of repression carried out by the communist (Stalin’s) regime in the 20-50s against Ukrainian people in order to suppress any aspirations on the Ukrainian state identity.
The exhibition consists of 24 posters which reflect the mechanism for carrying out repression against all layers of Ukrainian society - the peasantry, the intelligentsia, the military, the political elite, and the clergy. The exhibition shows the forced repressions of the NKVD of the USSR against the national liberation movement, against the civilian population in Western Ukraine, post-war repressions against Ostarbeiters and prisoners of war.
Curator - OlesyaStasyuk, Candidate of Sciences, Head of the program "History Lessons"
Candidate of SciencesOlesyaStasyuk,
Candidate of SciencesLesyaGasidzhak
OlexiiKopytko, VolodymyrVyatrovych, Roman Krucyk, ValentynaBorysenko, VasilDanylenko, SergiiKokin, VasilOvsienko
The materials used in the exhibition are from:
Central State CinePhotoPhono Archives of Ukraine named after H. Pshenychnyi
State Archives Department of the Security Service of Ukraine
Centre for the Study of the Liberation Movement
Ivan Honchar Museum (National Centre of Folk Culture)
Kyiv Department of the Ukrainian Union “Memorial” named after VasylStus
TetianaZhuravska, OlhaVaschevska