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Started in 2008, construction of the Memorial complex in memory of Holodomor victims was not finished. In 2009 only first phase was ready and further construction of the second phase, the museum itself, was prevented by the change of government in Ukraine and coming of politicians who did not recognize Holodomor as genocide of Ukrainians and often denied it and facts about it. Thus, we returned to this question only in 2016.
On the 27th of Оctober, 2016 Resolution of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine №754 "Issues about construction preparation of the second phase of the National Museum" Holodomor victims Memorial "(with changes supplemented by the Kyiv City Council resolution from 21.12.2016 p. №984) declared the beginning of the preparation process of construction of the second phase of the National Museum " Holodomor victims Memorial."
According to the resolution the Organizing committee on issues of construction preparation of the second phase was formed (for your attention –Resolution about the Organizing committee on issues of construction preparation of the second phase of the National Museum " Holodomor victims Memorial " and The stuff members of the Organizational committee on issues of construction preparation of the second phase of the National Museum " Holodomor victims Memorial ").
The seriousness of the government's intentions was confirmed by the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, on November 26, 2016 during the mourning events on the Day of Holodomor victims, announced to the world: "In 2007 The Memorial complex was created on this place, which became a place of pilgrimage for many Ukrainians. But the part of the museum which would correspond to the highest standards of museum and memorial art is still not built. I believe that we should start working on creation of the appropriate museum institution".
Resumption of designing and construction of the second phase of the Memorial is carried out on the basis of